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Do you have questions about the Virginia School Counselor Association?  Please contact the appropriate party below via email and we will be happy to assist you.  

For questions related to Professional Development, please contact Karla Allen, Committee Chair for VSCA Professional Development.  Karla can assist you with information regarding current professional development opportunities and welcomes any ideas you have for future opportunities.  

Our Communications & Public Relations Chair is Sarah Ritchie.  Sarah can answer any questions you may have regarding newsletters, VSCA's social media platforms, and the VSCA Website.


For questions regarding Research and Graduate Student Engagement, please contact our Co-Chairs - Emily Goodman-Scott or Julia V. Taylor.

For questions related to the VSCA Annual Conference, Professional Recognition, or Student Scholarships, please contact Jenny Hubler, VSCA Conference Committee Chair.


If you have Membership related questions, please contact Patrice Gray VSCA Membership Committee Chair.  She can provide you with answers regarding benefits, membership renewal & much more.


For questions related to Advocacy, please contact Lila Hiltz, VSCA Advocacy Committee Co-Chairs.  Lila can answer questions regarding legislative efforts, legislative day & much more. 

For general inquiries, please contact Paige Abasolo to assist you in answering other questions or to direct you to an appropriate party to help. 


Send all mail to: 

Virginia School Counselor Association

P.O. Box 16566

Chesapeake, VA 23328

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